Tuesday, May 25, 2010

If It's Not One Thing...It's Another...

After falling off the banwagon 2 weeks ago, I jumped back on last Tuesday and picked up where I left off.  I started back with weight watchers and exercising.  Alexis and I have been walking about 2 1/2 miles a day, which makes me feel amazing!!! And also less hungry at night.  However, after my weigh in yesterday i had gained :(, I mean seriously!!! But not to let it get me down....in the words of Gloria Gaynor "I Will SURVIVE"!!!    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ybXrrTX3LuI

This weekend was also relaxing, despite that I was not able to attend one of my friends graduation parties, I did enjoy the relaxation of sleep, reading and laying by the pool...now granted, I can never do anything the easy way (I mean come ON - it's just not my style...lol) my friend Katie had a FABULOUS IDEA, we would buy a pool, but it on her back deck (on the 2nd story of her apt. mind you) and hand pump and fill it up with water....OH YES....SO we DID!!! And it was the BEST $15 ever spent!! Our 8 ft pool was the perfect way to relax and feel like a kid again!! Including a Popsicle!!! hehe - WE HAD A BLAST!!!

After this weekend and the WW disappointment, I was headed home last night to go on my walk...when all of a sudden on the Loop - my car started smoking!!!! Oh But YES!! I mean, what else could happen!!! LOL - at this point you have to realize that all you can do is laugh, so I called my friend Alexis,who came and sat with me while we waited on the boys (Andy, Cotney, and Thomas) to come and take a look at my car.  After much antifreeze and 45 min on the side of the road - we got it cranked and to my house.  In true Trailer Park Fashion, they jacked the car up (put it on cement blocks and preceded to work on my car, we did get the hose out, but couldn't get the other back in (OF COURSE - LOL) so Andy picked me up for work today and Daddy is coming to Athens this afternoon to help work on the Raisin Rocket...This poor baby is on it's last leg :(  BUT THANKS TO THE GUYS!!! THEY ARE TRULY THE BEST FRIENDS A GIRL COULD ASK FOR...And I'm sure they won't let me forget it....

Hopefully my car can be put back together in time for me to make it to Rock Hill, SC on Thursday to see Rusty, Sykora, Liliana, and Bunny!! I'm super excited!!! I get to experience my first Bunko game, keep baby girl, spend time with the fam and AGAN!!! and see Sex in the City 2 with Sis!!! YAY for a FABULOUS WEEKEND IN STORE!!!

...Well....if my car will allow - keep your fingers crossed!!

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