Thursday, January 20, 2011

Patience...Not one of my Virtues...

And so there comes a time in everyone's life where Patience is a must...And I must say that NOW is one of those times.  I also have to realize that we live in a such a fast paced society. How can we expect everyone to have patience when we can get anything we want in a drive through environment.

Patience is the companion of wisdom.  ~St. Augustine
Patience is also a form of action.  ~Auguste Rodin
Patience as a form of action is something that we need to consider carefully... 
Patience is the state of endurance under difficult circumstances, which can mean persevering in the face of delay or provocation without acting on annoyance/anger in a negative way; or exhibiting forbearance when under strain, especially when faced with longer-term difficulties. Patience is the level of endurance one's character can take before negativity. It is also used to refer to the character trait of being steadfast.
When we don't have patience we miss out...we miss out on the smallest most amazing things, we miss out on the beautiful things, we miss out on life, the best things in life.

What I have learned is that the wait might be worth it in the end...and in the end,  you might get more than you expected in the beginning...all because of...Patience.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


January 9-12, 2011 -
Only in Georgia will people FREAK OUT over snow (haha) and head to the store to buy the essentials, which include: milk, eggs, bread, and ALCOHOL.  I can promise you once snow was mentioned these items disappeared from Athens-Clarke County. 

I also want to mention that even though I love being a UGA Alum, I was bummed that my first 3 days of school never got canceled!! HAHA - But fortunatley we had fun with great friends and got to enjoy the snow! 

Check out some pics below!

After first night of snow

 Dallas wasn't to sure - he could barely stand up!

 Agan After being inside to long - hehe

 Huge Snowman in the trailer park!

 Ice cycles!

The Boys

The Girls!
The Arch!!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Year - New Beginnings

As the new year begins, I can't help but think about those God awful new year's resolutions.  Mine this year...only do things that you choose to do...and this really isn't a 'new year's' resolution, its a life lesson.  I've decided to do my best to do things that are positive and beneficial influences for my life.

Instead of going on a diet - I'm making a lifestyle change...No honestly, I know that for health reasons, I honestly don't need to be this big, so I'm gonna do something about it, for me, for my health. (Even though I'm beautiful no matter what size I am)
Optimistic - I plan on being more positive.  Being positive gives you different outlook on life, it makes you be a better person, causes less stress, and all around causes other around you to be more positive.  The better the atmosphere, the more you can enjoy life.
Friendship - being a better friend. Although I feel as though I'm a good friend, there is so much more that I can do for those that mean the most to me, I plan on making the most with those that mean the most.

Life is about the lesson's you learn and the mistakes you make along the way.  We have to experience life to really live and I suggest that each and every person do something New every year, that they have NEVER done before. This keeps us living life to its fullest.  We owe that to ourselves and to those who no longer can.  We have the ability to change not only our lives, but others, and by making those choices that can change our lives for the better.
Overall I plan on being an all around better person and making the best of the life I have been given.  
So far 2011 looks to be a promising year...I hope that it continues to stay this way.