Monday, June 4, 2012

May the Odds Be In My Favor...

As my first day of half marathon training begins
(along with my new Paleo lifestyle),
I have to say, that this isn't as bad as 
I was thinking it was going to be...for how long has yet to be determined.  
I have taken some pictures and measurements and in 30 days I will post results!!
Can't wait to see how this new "way of living" works out.

So this Half Marathon training...hmmmm...
I have until Nov. 3 to be able to withstand a 13 mile run.
Since my friend's birthday is on this day...this will be her birthday present...haha...If I live, she might get something else (HAHAHA). But seriously, I have to say I'm a little intimidated and am putting a lot of faith in this training.  I really hope by body begins to condition soon and that I can pull this off. We will see how I feel in a week.  Running on Mon, Tues, Boot Camp Wed, Thur, and Running Fri and Sat.
 I have to say that schedule looks like a lot - but I'm definitely up to the challenge!

So this friend...Uh hummm, DONNA BRINSON, seems to have roped 
me into several things here recently.  NOT JUST the Half Marathon, 
but we are doing the JCB Mud Run on June 16th.

Now if you'll see above, this is our course....
We are the "Dirty Darling's" and if nothing else, 
this race will be SUPER FUN!

Training updates to begin this week!!
Motivation will be a necessity!  All is welcome!!