Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire...

"Liars share with those they deceive the desire not to be deceived" ~ Sissela Bok

A lie (also called prevarication, falsehood) is a known untruth expressed as truth.

A lie is a type of deception in the form of an untruthful statement, especially with the intention to deceive others, often with the further intention to maintain a secret or reputation, protect someone's feelings or to avoid a punishment or repercussion for one's actions. To lie is to state something that one knows to be false or that one does not honestly believe to be true with the intention that a person will take it for the truth.
A liar is a person who is lying, who has previously lied, or who tends by nature to lie repeatedly - even when NOT NECESSARY.

~So lets be honest - we have all at one time or another told a lie or story - or something - we ALL make mistakes.  HOWEVER!!! When you start messing with peoples lives and TRYING to hurt them or their family to make yourself look good - You need to go look in the mirror and CHECK YOURSELF!!  When your messing with people's lives - your playing with fire and unfortunately, for those that don't know when to stop...they are possibly in for a RUDE AWAKING...and It's not going to be pretty.

Friday, June 25, 2010

I Wanna Live Where the Green Grass Grows...

“We're born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we're not alone.”

After spending several summers alone (for the most part), you begin to look at yourself in a different way. Your able to understand things differently and REALLY, I mean REALLY get to know yourself and what you want out of life. The first time I that I experienced this 'Soul Searching' was the summer of 2008. My first roommate had moved and I had a lot of time to think. For a while I felt alone. I would go to work and come home, stay inside and sulk. Halfway through the summer I realized that I was hurting no one but myself and that I did not like the person I had become. I started going to the pool and out with other friends who were still around and made an effort to analyze myself and who I wanted to be when I had a free moment to myself. That Summer was an eye opener for me and I will never forget how strong I had become by the end of it. At the beginning I felt as though I was lost and no one cared about me or what I did but if you can believe it, I believe that that summer was the beginning of the Ashley I had always been but didn't have the courage to show.

The Summer of 2009 was also a HUGE STEP for me. Earlier in the year I had broken up with my long time boyfriend and for the Summer...definitely wanted a change of scenery. The beginning of the Summer was great! I hung out with new friends, was always busy and had also planned a trip of a lifetime. I did something I thought I would never do, on a random day, I decided that I would go...actually go to Greece!!! After much talk with a few close friends - we thought WHY NOT???? So for 18 days, we backpacked across several islands of Greece and it was AMAZING!!! I am SO GLAD that I made a decision that changed my life for the better. You never know when or if you'll ever get to do those things on your bucket list, so CARPE DIEM!!! Seize the day, cause you'll never know when it will be your last. And if that is the only thing I learned in my Summer alone, it was well worth it and a lesson that not everyone has experienced.

All of this brings me up to the current Summer of 2010. Every day I go to work, then go home, alone. And you know what. That is totally OKAY with me! As I've gotten older, I have grown to enjoy those afternoons alone with my thoughts, or being able to do what I want to do when I want to do it. EVEN if that means just laying on the couch and watching TV. I constantly yearn for things to slow down. And even though I desperately miss my friends and family (and Agan - lol) I make up for it on the weekends. Most weekends are spent at home around the pool with great food and family, which are the perfect end to my work week. On the weekends I'm not home, I lounge around the pool right by my lonesome and enjoy a good book. Either or work for me.

No matter where you are in your life, or where you want to be, it has taken me 3 long Summers to realize that I enjoy both time alone and time with others. And they each have a time when appropriate. I have had to learn to make decision about when those times are when necessary and that I NEED to ENJOY every minute of life. It's short, so why not make the best of it! We should all think about that the next time we say no or maybe. Just do it, spend some time with your friends and spend sometime with yourself, finding out WHO you really are and WHAT you really want out of life...It will take your breath away.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

R.I.P. Rasin Rocket...1997-2010...

It's official...the Raisin Rocket was pronounced dead on June 17, 2010 after having several surgery's to keep it's temperature down.  Unfortunately the doctor's were unable to say what was the cause of the temperature hike, however, an autopsy is being completed and we shall have the report soon.

I would like to take a moment and say a few quick words in it's honor.

~Thank you raisin rocket for being a GREAT and AMAZING car for 8 long years.  For making it on all of those long drives back and fourth to Athens, for hauling drunk and obnoxious friends home, for taking a beating last year from two wreaks in a row (though neither were your fault), for having THE BEST gas mileage EVER and for loving me enough to keep going all these years. The Raisin Rocket was born in 1997 and had over 227,000 miles...You will be greatly missed...

After much thought and consideration, we decided it was best to let the Raisin Rocket go, it was tired and exhausted and so to much my surprise...I was picked up by a couple of FABULOUS people on June 18, 2010 and we headed into town to look at some other vehicles.  After test driving a few cars, I feel in love with a 2006 Impala.  And to pay homage to the Raisin Rocket, she is also Maroon/Burgundy.  She is amazing and she is an automatic - I'm in HEAVEN!!

She also has helped me make the complete transition into adult - I now have insurance that I'm liable for (which is fine) and everyone (including children) will feel safe in this car!!  Thanks to those who made it possible, this is truly a HUGE and EXCITING experience for me and I LOVE IT!!!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Bucket List

SO...I have been developing a Bucket List for sometime now (I'm sure I'll probably add too it as I subtract from it) but I thought that this would be a good way to record my journey through life.

I've decided that I'm going to try and do at least one of these things a year (hopefully more!)
Here goes:

~Graduate from College!!
~Take a Picture with all the Bulldog Statues in Athens before I leave
~Bungee Jump off a Bridge
~Go to New York and see a Broadway show
~Visit Austrailia
~Build a House
~See at least 7 of the New Wonders of the World
~Visit All 50 States
   States visited thus far:
          Georgia, Alabama, Florida, South Carolina, Colorado, Texas

~Finish learning to play the piano
~Drive down to Key West
~Wine tasting in the California Vineyards
~Try out for American Idol
~Snow Ski
~Cliff Dive (or at least jump - feet first is safest)
~Learn to sew
~Buy a new car
~Start my own Business (probably something to do with organizing)
~Volunteer at least once a month for a whole year
~Plant a flower bed and keep it alive
~Take family to Greece
~Visit Europe
~Ride an Elephant and a Camel

So far this is all I've got, but I think its a great start! I will mark them off as I go and add to it when necessary :)
PS - Thanks T!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Some Days Your the Bug....and Some Days Your the Windshield...

The older I get the more I realize how much I was in a hurry to grow up.  Always wishing and wanting and waiting and not fully enjoying my time as a kid.  Now that I'm 24, I sometimes long for the days when I had the summer off, no money worries, and simple thoughts of playing outside with cousins and close friends were enough to get you through any day.

I want to get back to those simple times in life where everything was okay and nothing could break your bond with those closest to your heart.  I long for the times when nothing but having a good time mattered and if you did fight with your sister, all you had to do was kiss and make up and continue on your way.  I want to see things as children see them, where most things are black and white, where there is wrong and right and that line is not blurred, where honesty is always the best policy and and no matter what, you always feel loved and wanted.

Although we can't go back in time, we do have choices in life.  We can choose to be happy with the decisions we make or we can regret them and live with guilt that encompasses our entire being.  Every decision, everything move, every calculated moment, we have a choice -We can choose to make the best of the situation, or we can choose to let it beat us down.  I personally choose to be happy and do what I deem necessary to make my life the best it can be.  Life is too short and too precious to let the small stuff stand in the way.  There are plenty of people who have it worse than we do and we should recognize that if there is a problem, that we should do what it takes to make it better. 

I know that in the heat of the situation it doesn't always seem that you have a choice.  But you do.  Take a step back, reflect and then make your decision based on what is best for you.  I know that it is easier said than done, but just remember, the way we handle things now, effects the way we handle things down the road. Will you build that bridge and get over it? Or will you die with that grudge, anger and hate you've been harboring for years?

Let it go, cause some days your the bug and some days your the windshield...          

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend

Thursday night I drove to Rock Hill, SC to visit Rusty, Sykora, Liliana and Bunny.  Dallas and I had a very pleasant ride until I got a speeding ticket about 10 min from there house... how nice...

 On Friday, I kept Liliana ALL DAY and we played and played and played!!!

The rest of the weekend was rather laid back and enjoyable.  Sykora and I went and watched Sex in the City 2 and LOVED IT!!!! Ain't nothin better than a girl's afternoon with a FABULOUS movie!!!

I'm glad we were able to spend a few days with some very special people who we are already missing...WE LOVE Y'ALL!!! XOXO