Monday, April 12, 2010


I am just amazed at how upsetting certain people can you make feel.  You TRY and TRY and TRY to be nice, include them and love them, and yet at the end of the day they resent you and everything you have ever done for them, whether they think back and remember or not - they are basically saying - I HATE YOU FOR HELPING ME...

What do I have to do to make you see that I nor the world is against you??? I just don't know anymore...

I want to be able to fix everything and make it all better, however, me being considerate and understanding is going to do nothing but make it worse.  I have decided to do nothing, and then at every opportunity be nice, THE NICEST and hope that one day they will think to themselves, hmmmmm, maybe I was being ugly, maybe I do have an attitude, maybe I should be more motivated and maybe I should be nice and love Ashley!!!!

Okay, so maybe I'm being a little dramatic, but honestly, how can someone resent you for wanting them to better themselves?

No matter - I will continue to do as I have and not push - but no longer will I be pushed around...

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