Time and time again, I struggle with my weight. And after several months at a standstill, I know what I have to do...Commit...fully...wholeheartedly...
Before the wedding last year, I did this...3 dresses sizes and 30 pounds later...I'm at a stand still, wondering why....why isn't anything working???
After lots of soul searching and reading a friends inspiring blog of working her way up to a half marathon, I'm ready again to do it right and not fall off this bandwagon...I'm committed to this lifestyle change. You have to do it ALL the time, not SOME of the time.
I mean we eat healthy most of the time, I work out 3 times a week....what's wrong with this picture?
We need to eat healthy and make those decisions the MAJORITY of the time (now I know that realistically you can't always do this...but when you have a choice, we should choose the right one)
And working out...well...when I'm working out, I have to completely do it - or I'm not getting the good stuff out of it...and lets be honest - I need to bump up my workouts per week - at least by 1 more per week. So I've decided to continue to run 3 mornings a week - and add Zumba in 2 nights a week. Can't beat that!!!
Also, Agan has committed to doing this with me as well, we want to be healthy and live long lives with our children and their children....why not start now when we're young...when we have more time, that way its a habit by time it does happen.
I've also decided that this will be my sounding board, at least once a week, to help me be accountable for these goals...I want this...and there is no reason not to move forward to a healthier and leaner me!