Friday, December 17, 2010

Congratulations to the Class of 2010...

As the day draws to an end, I have SO much to be thankful for! I am now an officially a UGA Graduate or rather a UGA Alum!! This road has been one of many bumps and turns and a couple of wrecks that I was lucky enough to walk away from...what's most important is that I did it! I graduated!! And what might not mean a lot to others, overwhelms me with joy.  I am so proud of me and the other graduates that are now among the some of the top in the country... I couldn't be happier!

As I head out into the great wild yonder (lol), I want to thank everyone who made it possible, and you all know who you are!!  These people picked me up, motivated me when I thought I couldn't go any longer and pushed me through many nights of sweat, blood and tears to make it through...but I can promise you, today made it all worth while and I wouldn't have had it any other way!  This experience has helped mold me into the woman that I am today and I want everyone to know that I appreciate your help, your prayers, your love and your support mean so much!! THANK YOU!!!

As a college graduate, I look forward to nights with nothing to do, having a social life again, actually talking to people about things OTHER than grades, papers, professors, no longer consumes me and I look forward to stress free days, nights and weekends :) That is until I start grad school...if I choose that path.

I look forward to thoroughly enjoying every minute of my life and what I have to offer this big, amazing world...SO LOOK OUT WORLD....HERE I COME!!!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Moving On...FINALLY (Part 4)


"Free at last, Free at last, Thank God all mighty I'm free at last!!!" ~MLK

Monday, December 13, 2010

Moving On...Stress (Part 3)

If things go wrong, don't go with them.  ~Roger Babson

For YEARS, I've been taking it all home with me, work, school work, group problems, etc. and that's not including the other things that I was ALREADY dealing with.  The older I get I have to come to realize it's not worth it - none of it.  Why should I use my free time to stress about things that I can do nothing about...why am I worrying my life away and giving myself anxiety attacks?

No longer will I bring home the stress of my days into my household, its over.  If I want to get something out, I'll need to take it somewhere else (possibly the gym? lol). I refuse to let the small and petty things of others issues and worries take a toll on my life and my relationships, its not worth it.  At the end of the day, do you want to be that person who worked their life away? I don't!!

After my final tomorrow, I pledge to leave the unimportant things at the door when I get home and then I can pick them back up the next morning on my way out.  I want to live as stress free as possible, so that I may fully live life to its fullest in every way possible and cherish all the times in my life to come.

If you want to test your memory, try to recall what you were worrying about one year ago today.  ~E. Joseph Cossman
Worry and Stress bankrupt the spirit

Friday, December 10, 2010

Moving On....Time (Part 2)

I'm movin' On
At last I can see life has been patiently waiting for me
And I know there's no guarantees, but I'm not alone
There comes a time in everyone's life
When all you can see are the years passing by
And I have made up my mind that those days are gone...
 I movin on...from the past to the present and looking forward to the future.
As we grow older, there are parts of us that miss the 'Good Ol' Days' and we constantly try to get back to that or fill that void where those good times once were.  What we don't realize is that by constantly looking back, we are missing what's in front of us and therefore it passes us by.

I don't regret my past, each and every part has been an enormous growing experience for me and has ultimately made me the person I am today.  However, I'm tired of dealing with the past. I'm letting it go.  Letting go of the ones who hurt me, the ones who made me laugh, cry, made me angry, sad, happy and all other feelings.  I letting go of the times and places of things that try to haunt me, either good or bad.  I'm letting go of all toxic things, I'm letting go of grudges, I'm letting go of pain and sorrow. And I'm moving on to bigger and better things, even if only in my eyes.

Moving on isn't about forgiving and forgetting.  It's about accepting and letting go.
I can't wait to see what's in store for me and making new and exciting memories is what's waiting on the other side.  Looking straight ahead and looking up are the only places I'll be watching for a while. The more I write, the more I look forward to my future and what it holds in store for me and I've got to let it happen instead of holding myself back...and for that, I'm letting go and moving on up....(to the east side - hehe)

Thursday, December 9, 2010

I'm Moving On...Friendships (Part 1)

As my college (undergraduate) career comes to an end, I have begun to think about my life and where I currently am and what I'm doing (which sucks by the way).  Although I have always thought about myself as an adult, the time has come for me to put on my big girl panties and finally be a part of the 'real world' (as most people like to call it).  I'd like to take these next few days to talk about several parts of my life that will be moving on...

See what I think is that the real world will be WAY better than the current one where I work AND go to school.  Now I get to just work, come home, watch tv, go to the gym, go out to eat, etc.  All without worrying about homework, test, group projects, etc.  I get to be a functioning member of society without all the extra effort....oh oh oh and I get my SOCIAL LIFE BACK...HELLO FRIENDS :)

As for the cons of this situation, I have also come to realize that as we get older, things change.  Friends change, family change, we change and not all of it for the better. I feel as though at this point in my life I have been given the opportunity to evaluate my friends and how what role they currently play.  I have always believed that people come in and out of your life as you need them to and each one brings something new; whether it be a new experience, a new opportunity, or just new fun.  Each person always leaves a piece of themselves with you no matter what the situation, your life will be better knowing these people.  But what really sucks is knowing that you do what you can, but as you get older, relationships change and coping with the fact that it takes two to keep this relationship going.  

What I'm really trying to say is that you REALLY find out who your friends are at this point in your life.  As we move, start families, get new jobs, etc.  You find out who your friends are, the ones that will stick with you at all times.  These people have changed over time and as friends, you have grown with that person and not left them behind.  We have to grasp this and understand that this happens to everyone and that it's okay to let go and move on.

One thing that I constantly remind myself of is that you never know what lies ahead.  So lets not mourn the past, but look forward to the future and the new relationship that it holds.