Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Not Much to Say...but...OKAY!?!

Not too much going on lately...but DRAMA, DRAMA, DRAMA (and no - I don't me the kind like Shakespeare)...And none of it has to do with me...however, it seems as though I am constantly being drawn into these VERY DRAMATIC situations...which may I add are SUPER EXHAUSTING!!!

I have come to see that there are those people who THRIVE on the DRAMA of not only thier lives, but the Drama in the lives of others...and they constantly eg it on!! I mean COME ON, is it that important to have that much SHIT going on that you never get to rest!!!

Then there are those like me that can go a lifetime without ANY DRAMA and try to stay out of it at ALL COST, however, it's not always possible. So, I have come up with a few suggestions on how to deal with someone who is SUPER DRAMATIC...
  1. Step 1
    Stay calm and try not to react when dealing with a drama queen/king. By not engaging in the same dramatic energy that is thrown at you will help deflect it. If a drama queen/king isn't getting a rise out of you, they will eventually move on to someone else who will. (THUS LEAVING YOU ALONE)

  2. Step 2
    When dealing with a drama queen/king, try not to use overly dramatic words such as obnoxious, ridiculous, or crazy. Using overly dramatic words, even if you are trying to get the drama queens/kings attention will only add to the heightened emotional state which is the exact opposite of what you want to do. (THUS LEADING TO MORE DRAMA)

  3. Step 3
    Validate the drama queen/kings issue but don't dwell on it. Suggest ideas that will help re-focus the drama queen/kings attention. If a drama queen/king continues to vent and remain stuck dwelling on a problem, they will only become more dramatic about it which won't solve the problem. Get the drama queen engaged in ways to fix the problem instead of dwelling on it. (THUS GIVING THEM A DIFFERENT TASK THAN BOTHERING YOU)

  4. Step 4
    Avoid gossiping, angering, or doing anything that may unnecessarily upset a drama queen/king. A drama queen/king is good at creating drama and you don't want to give them a reason to perform. (THUS BRINGING YOU INTO THE MIX...we wouldn't want that)

  5. Step 5
    Put forth strong boundaries when dealing with a drama queen/king. If a conversation about an issue far extends past its conversational point, change the subject. If you have to be stern about changing the subject, then do so. When you try to lend a hand to a drama queen/king without success or appreciation, let them know you had good intentions but your assistance will be coming to an end. (THUS BLOWING THEM OFF - which might piss them off and make them leave you alone)

  6. Step 6
    If all of your attempts dealing with a drama queen/king have failed, it might be time to end the relationship or at least limit it if you are unable to end it entirely. There is no reason you have to be subjected to a dysfunctional and toxic relationship. (OR BETTER YET, JUST SLAP A BITCH AND TELL THEM THEY NEED THERAPY!!!)

Monday, July 12, 2010

Summer Lovin

After many, many...MANY, trips home this summer; I decided to stay in Athens for a weekend to do some MAJOR cleaning and to catch up on some much needed R&R.  Agan decided he couldn't spend a weekend without me ;) so he headed up to Athens for the weekend :)

Saturday consisted of working in the yards during the morning...while I had lunch with an old friend - Melissa White- who was in town for the weekend for a wedding.  It was fabulous getting to catch up with her!  After Agan finished working...he caught a quick nap before taking me to Olive Garden for dinner and then to the movies to see Eclipse (and Predators...lol).

Sunday was a nice relaxing day.  Cooked Waffles and Eggs for brunch and then we headed to Academy Sports to get Agan a new swim suit and some work shirts...little did I know that Agan had alterior motives - as I was trying on sunglasses (as I always do) I picked out a pair of Costa del Mars that I liked and low and behold... I now have a new pair of sunglasses!! Thanks Babe!!

I say all of this to say, that I really enjoyed my relaxing weekend - its nice to get away every once in a while, even if that means staying home :)

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

New Roomie and A Weekend At the Lake

Last week was extra exciting...I got a new roommate!!! Erin Garrett moved most of her things in this weekend before her FABULOUS Orientation day on Friday - She is now Officially a GA Bulldog!!

~I said it's Great to be a Georgia Bulldawg~

She will completely move in August 1st and I can't wait to break her in - It will be exciting introducing a newbie to the great city of Athens GA and I can't wait for her to love this place as much as me!!! (I have already got her addicted to Yoguri...so I don't think it will be that hard!!)

After they left on Friday I headed straight to the lake to enjoy a weekend with Agan, the fam, and some other great friends in the cove :)  We had a blast... Speaking of Blast - our 4th of July Fireworks were quite exciting - I have to say - seeing the boys run for cover after Chase lite a whole box on fire (that didn't leave the dock) was quite HILARIOUS!!!  I was waiting for them to JUMP into the water!!

All In all - I had a great weekend!! Although I am sure I am SLEEP DEPRIVED - so heading home for a quick name!! XOXO